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If you own a pet, you should know that your furry friend can get sick from common parasites. These parasites are more than just an inconvenience: they can make your pets ill. If your pet has a parasite, it’s always best to talk to your vet about treatment options as soon as possible—before the infection worsens and causes further damage. We at Parliament Animal Hospital are here to help your pet.


Hookworms are a type of parasite found in the intestines of dogs, cats and other animals. They can be passed on to humans through contact with the eggs or larvae of hookworms.

If you have pets, chances are you will encounter these parasites at some point. They tend to affect puppies and kittens more than older pets because they haven’t built up immunity. Hookworms live inside the intestines, laying eggs that travel outside the body through feces or vomit. The eggs then get picked up by another animal’s paws or mouth and begin their life cycle again when someone comes into contact with them.

This isn’t an infection spread from person to person—this is an infection spread between animals!

If you clean up after your pet outside on walks or in parks, there there’s a chance that one day soon, those little tiny white specks may appear as if out of nowhere on your shoes/pants/shoe laces/etcetera —and it doesn’t hurt anything except maybe makes us feel like we need another shower (or two). The good news is that this happens so often because it’s common for dogs who go outside frequently (versus staying indoors) and especially during warmer weather months when insects are active too!


Although roundworms are not usually welcomed in the homes of humans, they are one of the most common parasites in dogs and cats. Roundworms are long, white, and thin. They can be seen in a stool sample under a microscope.

Roundworm eggs become infectious after being excreted by an animal in its feces. Once the eggs are outside their host’s body, they can survive for up to two months on surfaces or objects that aren’t thoroughly cleaned after contact with infected feces or other bodily fluids from an infected animal (such as bedding). The eggs will not become infectious until another animal ingests them through contaminated water bowls, food dishes or undercooked meat from an infected pet that had consumed roundworm larvae before being slaughtered for human consumption.


Tapeworms are long and flat, almost like a ribbon. They live in the intestines of dogs, and other Animals can get the flu and spread it to people. In dogs, tapeworms can live for many years and cause severe illness if left untreated. Your vet will prescribe an appropriate medication for your dog that you’ll give him orally or by injection every month until all signs disappear from his stool samples.

Common Parasites in DOGS


Giardia. This protozoan parasite can cause diarrhea, weight loss, and dehydration in dogs. It’sIt’s transmitted by infected animals and can also be picked up by humans if they drink contaminated water—though this is very rare.

Giardiasis may not be life-threatening for your dog, but it isn’tisn’t fun to deal with either: Symptoms include frequent watery stools and an upset stomach (which you’ll notice most when your dog eats or drinks). Treatment usually involves antibiotics to kill off the Giardia parasites, so they don’tdon’t spread throughout his system anymore.

Ear Mites

Ear mites are tiny insect parasites that feed on skin cells in your pet’s ear canal. They typically affect dogs, cats, rabbits and guinea pigs but can also appear on ferrets, rats and mice. Ear mites are usually caused by a lack of hygiene and can lead to an infection if not treated properly.

Symptoms of ear mites include scratching and shaking of the head, excessive rubbing against objects or floors (known as “scratching”), discharge from the ears, crusty material around their ears or hair loss around their ears.

Treatment usually involves an anti-parasitic medication such as ivermectin or selamectin applied topically to all areas where the parasite is suspected of living.


Fleas are the most common parasite in pets. You can identify a flea infestation by looking for petite black or brown insects crawling on your pet. The best way to deal with a flea problem is to prevent it from happening in the first place:

If you do find signs of an active flea infestation, you’ll want to get rid of them as soon as possible before they spread further. Several treatments are available that are effective against various parasites (including ticks). Still, some ingredients may be harmful if ingested by your pet—for example, pyrethrin-based products should never be used on cats because they can cause fatal anemia if absorbed through their skin! Speak with your veterinarian about what products might work best for your situation, so everyone stays safe and happy!


Ticks are arachnids, which means they have eight legs. They live in grass and other vegetation. Ticks will only feed on you (or your pet) if they attach themselves to you!

Parasites can make our pets sick, so getting them treated is essential

If you’re you’re worried about parasites, you’re not alone. Pets can quickly become infected with parasites—if left untreated, these parasites can make your pet sick. But don’tdon’t worry! Parasites are treatable with the right medicine and strategies to prevent them from returning.

Well, there are ways for pets and their owners to avoid parasitic infections: by maintaining a healthy diet (without too much table food or human treats), keeping up on regular vet visits and taking advantage of preventative treatments like heartworm medication or flea repellant. You should also wash any bedding used by your pet at least once a week in hot water—this will kill many minor bugs that might have landed on it during an outdoor adventure!

So, now you know the most common parasites in pets. They can make our furry friends sick and uncomfortable, so getting them treated is essential. If your pet has any symptoms of a parasitic infection (like diarrhea or vomiting), don’tdon’t wait! Call your veterinarian immediately for advice on how best to care for your pet and prevent reinfection. Remember that prevention is critical—always keep up with routine veterinary visits so that any potential problems can be detected early on before they become serious problems!

If you want the best of anything, our vets are knowledgeable and friendly, and we treat your pets like they are our pets. Please go ahead and give Parliament Animal Hospital a call right now!

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