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Oral care is important for all pets, including dogs, cats, and rabbits. In this article, we will go over some of the ways you can give your pet oral care at home in an easy way that they will enjoy.

Dogs should have their teeth brushed every day, just like humans

Dogs can have bad breath, dental problems and even develop oral cancer. The best way to prevent these things from happening is by brushing your dog’s teeth daily. Many people overlook this important task, but you should brush your dog’s teeth every day just like you would yours!

To brush a dog’s teeth properly, check with the vet to ensure it is safe for your pet. Next, get some toothpaste specifically made for dogs and some sort of toothbrush (the kind made especially for pets works best). Then put a small amount of toothpaste on the tip of the brush and rub it all over each tooth carefully until it gets very foamy (you may need to use more than one application). If there are any spots where tartar has built up too much, just let those areas soak for about 15 minutes before brushing them until everything looks clean!

Brushing teeth can be fun if you make it fun

The first step to giving your pet a healthy mouth is to brush their teeth regularly. The second step is making it fun! If you use a toothbrush with soft bristles and toothpaste designed for pets, your pet can enjoy this simple procedure as much as you do. If you choose not to brush their teeth, they may develop tartar buildup or gingivitis (gum disease).


It’s important to brush the outer surfaces of your dog’s teeth.

Brushing the outer surfaces of your dog’s teeth is essential, which can be done by hand or with a toothbrush and toothpaste. You should also brush your dog’s inner surfaces and tongue.

Your cat still needs daily tooth brushing

Brushing your cat’s teeth is still an important part of oral care. Like humans, cats can get gum disease, cavities and periodontal disease. Oral cancer is also a risk for cats that don’t receive proper dental care.

Flossing is an important part of oral care

Flossing can be done with a special flossing tool or a piece of string. It should be done once a week, but twice a month if you have soft food or drink for your pet to help clean their teeth better.

Give your pet a dental checkup once a week

You should check your pet’s teeth regularly to ensure no cavities or other issues. You can do this at home by brushing your pet’s teeth with a toothbrush or giving them treats containing ingredients like baking soda, which helps clean the teeth as it passes through their digestive system.

If you don’t have time for such a thorough cleaning, taking your pet to the vet once every six months gives them a chance to check for any dental issues and brush their teeth if needed.

Easy Ways to Give Oral Care to Your Pets at Home

Use pet-friendly toothpaste

You can buy toothpaste specifically for pets, but if you don’t want to spend the money, it’s fine to use human toothpaste. Just don’t use any type of human toothpaste on your pet, and vice versa!

If you’re worried about what’s in the grocery store brands of pet-friendly toothpaste, consider making your own. PetMD has a recipe for homemade dog and cat toothpaste that contains baking soda and hydrogen peroxide (which creates those fizzing bubbles), plus essential oils like peppermint or aniseed that help freshen breath and protect against plaque buildup. You could also try adding some natural colourants such as turmeric or beetroot powder for added antioxidant benefits—and have fun experimenting with different combinations to find out which ones work best!

Reward your pet with a treat after brushing

You can reward your pet with a treat after brushing. Rewarding your pet is a great way to make the experience fun and enjoyable. The reward can be anything from a treat to a game of fetch.

In order to get the best results out of brushing, you should start by using gentle pressure on your dog’s teeth and gums, then work up to more vigorous movements once his mouth has become accustomed to it.

Try out these tips at home and see how easy it can be to keep up with oral care for your pets!

Buy the right tools

To prevent tooth decay, gum disease and other oral issues; your pet needs to have its teeth brushed.

Brushing your dog’s teeth regularly is an essential part of dental care that can help keep their mouth healthy and happy. Brushing is also an important way to establish a good relationship with your pet – it helps them feel safe and secure in knowing they’ve got you on their side when it comes to anything concerning their health and well-being.

Do proper inspection

Find a distraction

Easy Ways to Give Oral Care to Your Pets

Practice handling your cat’s mouth using rewards and praise

Your cat is more likely to take a treat from you than let you put a toothbrush in her mouth. So, use treats as the reward. You can also use a clicker to mark the behaviour you want your pet to repeat, such as opening her mouth or putting it into a cup with water or a toothpaste solution.

When brushing and flossing your cat’s teeth, be gentle and slow and do not move too quickly.

Use lots of praise when you are finished

Gather your supplies

Start slowly, and reward often

When you’re ready to start your pet’s dental care regimen, begin by rewarding them for good behaviour in small increments. A treat is a great way to start out and will help ensure that your pet gets used to having their teeth brushed.

You should also keep in mind that not all treats are created equal: some may be too hard or too big for your pet’s mouth, so make sure that you purchase something appropriate for the size of their mouth and ensure that it doesn’t contain sugar (especially if your dog has diabetes).

Additionally, never force your pet’s mouth open while they’re resisting—allowing a cat or dog to explore an object on their own time can help them feel more comfortable with new objects like toothbrushes.

Get your pets used to oral care early on

It’s important to start giving your pet oral care as early on as possible, so they can get used to the process. This will make the experience seem less daunting for them later on when they’re older and have more teeth that need attention. You can begin by using treats and praise when you brush their teeth. If you’re worried about hurting them or making them uncomfortable, tell your vet first how much pressure you’re applying with the brush before beginning this process.

Suppose your pet is older and has already developed some bad habits or dental issues like plaque buildup or tartar. In that case, we recommend brushing with a soft bristle toothbrush specially designed for pets at least once per day for two minutes each time (or longer if needed). Be sure not to use human toothpaste, though! It’s best suited for humans because it contains fluoride, which isn’t safe for animals–and, depending on its ingredients, could cause other health problems too!

Everyone wants to keep their pets happy and healthy, but it can be hard to know what they need. The best way to learn is by doing your own research and testing out various methods. You might have some good ideas about how to give oral care at home, but don’t be afraid to try something new! Remember that every animal has a unique personality, so your approach should reflect this. With time and patience, you can ensure that the person who means the most in your life gets all the care they deserve.

Don’t wait any longer to give your furry friend the care they deserve. Visit parliamentanimalhospital.ca to learn more about our services and make an appointment today. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to call us at (647) 347-3300. Your pet’s health is our top priority at Parliament Animal Hospital.


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