It’s possible that your dog may be suffering from an inflammation problem even if this is not noticeable. They might even be rubbing their eyes or squinting. This could indicate that they are suffering from entropion which is a condition that causes the eyelid to roll inwards allowing the eyelashes to rub the eyes. Sounds painful, right?
The good news is, your furry friend can once again be a happy tailig dog with appropriate care and treatment in no time. This guide will collate all there is to know about the condition ranging from the symptoms to the treatment and any necessary surgery which might be needed for the dog’s recovery.
What Is Entropion in Dogs?
Let’s start with the basic definition. Entropion is when your dog’s eyelid rolls inward. Instead of being a protective mechanism, the eyelids function in a damaging manner by further irritating the cornea due to the eyelashes coming in contact.
Ignoring the condition can develop further problems such as reddened eyes, excessive tearing, and more. While certain dogs experience this throughout their birthing process, others may face the problem due to an injury or long term eye problems.
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Breeds That Are More Prone
Certain breeds are more likely to experience entropion because of their facial structure. If you’ve got one of these pups, keep an eye out (pun intended):
- Bulldogs
- Pugs
- Shar Peis
- Golden Retrievers
- Rottweilers
If your dog is on this list, regular eye checkups with your vet are a must!
Signs and Symptoms of Entropion in Dogs
There are a few indicators that can help you figure out what can suggest that your dog is dealing with entropion. Check out these indicators:
Excess facial drooling due to constant tears production
Frequent eye squinting or blinking
Presence of red irritated eyes
Rubbing face or pawing
Being photophobic
Presence of cloudy eyes or visible ulcers
If you see any of these signs, do not hesitate to contact your vet. A quick visit can prevent the complications from worsening.
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How Veterinarians Diagnose Entropion in Dogs?
A vet will examine your dog’s eyes to diagnose whether is there any condition or infection. They will start with inspecting the eyelid position and whether the dog has any depression in it. In some cases, the cornea could be stained to check for scratches or ulcers. All this is done to see what is the actual problem at hand.
Treatment of Entropion in Dogs
This part is more intriguing. For the dog, depending on how worse the entropion appears, your vet can suggest any of the following options:
Non-Surgical Treatments
Ointments or Eye Drops: Applying these on the eyes can lessen the amount of friction in the eyes thus providing temporary relief.
Eyelid Surgery For Puppies – It is when the dog is still a pup or not fully matured and the eye lids have issue. The veterinarian places a few stitches to hold the position of the eye lids firmly. For Correcting Other Issues – There are times when infections or an injury makes the better unsuitable for the senior care know-how that they are entropion worse.
Surgery for Entropion in Dogs
For conditions categorized as moderate to severe, surgical procedures are considered to be a treatment of choice. The surgical technique aims to restore the eyelid’s position against involutional changes. Relaxes, it’s a routine canine surgery that is followed up with recovery and management and most dogs do it wonderfully.
What Happens During Entropion Surgery in dogs?
Let’s try to go through it stepwise so as to have an idea of what can be anticipated:
Before The Day Of The Surgery: Before your dog gets the surgery, your vet might perform some blood work and advise you regarding prepping your dog for it- example being withholding food for a specific time frame.
The Day Of The Surgery: During orthopedic surgical procedures, it is essential to focus on optimizing the proper positioning of the canine. As your dog goes under anesthesia, small adjustments to the eyelid will be made by your vet, never forget that details matter.
After The Surgery: As a part of the post-operative care, your dog may require the use of an E-collar (AKA the cone of shame) to minimize scratching. Moreover, administering medication and follow-up appointments are also required.
Recovery and Management of Entropion in Dogs
Most normal tissue recovery processes for dogs take about 2-3 weeks, during that time your responsibility is to;
Ensure that the surgical site is free from excessive moisture and dirt.
Prevention of scratching and rubbing of eyes by the dog.
Any unusual discharges or swelling could indicate a problem, always inform your vet if possible.
Most dogs seem to feel a lot better post-operation and the results are generally long lasting. It’s the irritated eyes that say “farewell”!
Is There A Way Of Detering Entropion?
While you aren’t able to alter the genetic makeup of your dog, you can avoid the risk of having any complications by:
Taking your dogs for regular appointments to the vet
Wiping thier eyes on a daily basis
Taking care of the smallest of issues with their eyes as soon as they occur
Final Thought
The above can help ensure that your dog lives a life free from pain. With a little assistance from your vet, dealing with entropion should not be an issue. The important thing to note is how quickly you spot it and the treatment options available to your dog. Be it surgery, temporary tacking, or managing the symptoms, there will always be an option available for your fur baby.
If there is something that has not been made clear, please do not hesitate to contact your vet as they have the most information related to your dog. It will also be great if you spread this around other pet owners looking for assistance. A good guide can lead to more wags from the tail and sparkly eyes.