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As a pup, you’re probably excited to explore the world around you. And it’s natural to want to go on adventures with your human companions too! Unfortunately, leashes can be scary and uncomfortable for pups. But there are ways that you and your owner can overcome this fear together so that both of you can enjoy being outdoors.


Planning is important. Before you begin, consider the following:

Getting Started

Leash training is a process that takes time and patience. It would help if you were consistent with your pup’s training, so ensure you follow the same daily routine. Puppies will make mistakes, but you should always praise them when they do something right rather than scold them when they mess up.

Pups can also get scared of leashes if they aren’t introduced correctly or if they feel uncomfortable wearing one, so you must only rush into this part of their training if everything else has been done correctly first!

Here are some tips for getting started:

The First Step…

The first step is to get the right equipment. You’ll need a short leash. Ideally, one that’s no longer than six feet. A puppy will be easier to train with a shorter string or rope, as they tend to have less control over their movements and attention span at this age.

You can start by taking your pup out into an area that has few distractions–the inside of your house may not be ideal if there are other animals around (including other dogs), but it will work if there isn’t anything else around for them to see or hear.

Once you’re ready, attach their collar and one end of the leash around it, so this little piece of string binds them! The last thing we want is our dog getting loose while we’re trying this whole learning thing out…so it’s important not just because of safety reasons but also because trust me when I say: puppies love running away from home!

Letting Go of the Leash

When you’re out walking your dog, he mustn’t pull on the leash. This can be a problem for some pups, but with proper training and consistency, it’s possible to teach your puppy how to walk without pulling. The first step is teaching him not to draw by using an easy command like “let go” or “stop.” When he starts pulling, say this command with an authoritative tone of voice–not yelling! Then stop walking for about five seconds, so he knows this behaviour isn’t acceptable anymore. Once he stops pulling and looks at you again (which may take anywhere between one second and twenty seconds), starts walking again slowly until your pup starts pulling again; repeat this process until they’ve learned their lesson!

If all else fails: try wearing high heels while walking outside, so it hurts if they get too close!

Master Leash Training: A Guide for Pups and Their Owners

Walking Without a Strict Focus on Leash Training

Now that your pup knows how to walk on a leash, it’s time to get creative with your training. The next step is to practice walking without a leash–a skill that will come in handy in many situations and environments. To do this, take your pup where there are no distractions (i.e., no other dogs) and practice walking around with them off-leash before returning home or heading out into the world again.

Practice on different surfaces: grassy lawns, dirt paths, concrete sidewalks…the possibilities are endless! Practicing in various environments will help build up confidence for both of you and ensure that every situation feels familiar when it comes time for actual life application later down the line!

Practice during different weather conditions (and times of day). This tip may seem obvious, but it’s important not just because having good weather makes everything better but also because getting used early to how certain elements affect how we move around helps us adjust our behaviour accordingly later on when needed most–and who doesn’t want their dog behaving perfectly no matter what kind day might bring?


Pulling is a common problem for leash training, and it can be frustrating for you and your pup. It’s important to remember that if your dog pulls on the leash, it can go further than if there were no leashes! When this happens, it’s essential for them not only because they might get tangled up in something (or someone) but also because pulling puts pressure on their neck, which can be uncomfortable or even painful.

To prevent this from happening:

The Right Equipment

The right equipment will help you and your dog. Having the right leash, collar, harness, and other items is essential to make training easier. This can make it easier for both of you!

For example, a puppy needs a unique collar (one with a clip) so that they don’t slip out when they start pulling away from you on walks or during obedience training sessions.

The best part about buying high-quality products is that they last longer than cheaper versions – saving money in the long run!

We hope you’ve enjoyed this leash training guide, and we wish you and your pup the best of luck as you embark on this new journey. It would be best if you didn’t try to force anything or get frustrated when your dog isn’t doing what he should be. That will only cause stress on both sides of the leash! Instead, keep in mind that every day spent practicing will bring him closer to becoming a well-behaved member of society who knows when it’s okay to pull ahead or stop walking altogether. And as long as both parties work towards this goal together, success is guaranteed!

Don’t let fear and anxiety control your pet’s life. At Parliament Animal Hospital, we offer a comprehensive fear and anxiety treatment program to help your furry friend overcome their fears and live a happier, more relaxed life. Our experienced veterinarians and trainers will work with you to develop a tailored treatment plan that addresses your pet’s specific needs. We can help your pet overcome its fears and live a more confident life, whether it’s loud noises, unfamiliar environments, or other triggers. Learn about our fear and anxiety treatment program by visiting https://parliamentanimalhospital.ca/ or calling (647) 347-3300. Give your pet the gift of a fearless and relaxed life with Parliament Animal Hospital.


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