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Does your dog act out when you leave the house? Does it bark or whine, destroy things, and have accidents in the house? If so, you may have a case of separation anxiety. This common condition doesn’t affect all dogs—some get along just fine even when their owners are away—but if your pup is constantly troubled when you’re not around, it’s time for both of you to learn about separation anxiety and what can be done about it.

Why do dogs get separation anxiety?

How to recognize and diagnose separation anxiety

How to keep your dog from getting separation anxiety

The best way to avoid separation anxiety from developing in your dog is to make sure that they are well socialized, spend time with them and introduce them to new people and places.

Training your dog is also essential in preventing separation anxiety because it gives them something to do while you’re away at work or school.

Giving them a job, such as helping around the house, can help relieve some of their stress when left alone and provide them with something productive to focus on during those times when they are alone with nothing else going on around them.

Finally, it’s essential for dogs who suffer from this condition to have access each day–even if just for 20 minutes–to an area where they can relax without having any distractions so that their minds aren’t constantly racing with thoughts about whether or not their owners will ever come back again.

How to treat separation anxiety

There are many ways to treat separation anxiety in dogs. The most effective method is to work with your veterinarian and use a combination of training and behaviour modification techniques, medication, or other options depending on the severity of your dog’s separation anxiety.

What you can do if your dog already has separation anxiety

If your dog already has separation anxiety, you can do a few things to assist them in adjusting to being left alone.

Overcoming Separation Anxiety in Dogs in Canada

Separation anxiety is a widespread problem, but it can be treated

Separation anxiety is a widespread problem, but it can be treated. The earlier you start treatment for your dog’s separation anxiety, the better the outcome.

If your dog has mild separation anxiety and you want to prevent it from developing into something more serious (or if you’re looking for some tips on how to make your pup more comfortable when left alone), try these tips:

There are many ways to help your dog if they have separation anxiety. You can try some of the things we’ve mentioned in this article, such as leaving a radio on while you’re gone or giving treats when they hear your car pull up outside. If those don’t work, talk with your vet about possible medications to help treat the problem. And if all else fails? Well, then, it’s time for some tough love!

Separation anxiety in dogs can be a challenging and distressing experience, but with the right help, it can be overcome. We offer a comprehensive program at Parliament Animal Hospital to help your furry friend overcome separation anxiety. From behaviour modification techniques to medication and supplements, we provide a full range of solutions to help your pet overcome separation anxiety. Our experienced trainers will work with you to develop a tailored treatment plan that addresses your pet’s specific needs and helps them feel more comfortable and relaxed when you’re not around. Learn more about our separation anxiety treatment program by visiting https://parliamentanimalhospital.ca/ or calling (647) 347-3300. Give your pet the gift of a happy and relaxed life, free from separation anxiety, with Parliament Animal Hospital.


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