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Dog obedience training is an essential foundation for having a well-behaved dog. It helps you build trust with your pet, allowing you to train them on more advanced commands. The sooner you start your puppy’s training, the better! However, both of you must be ready before you begin. If your dog is still adjusting to their new home or getting over an illness, wait until they’re healthy before starting basic obedience training classes. You’ll also want to make sure that you have all the right equipment before starting: treats and toys (in case your pup gets distracted), leashes and collars (for safety reasons), and a clicker if possible (to avoid confusion).

Before you begin, ensure your dog is healthy and ready to train

You don’t want to start training when your pet is sick or tired. It’s also essential that your dog has a good temperament–if they aren’t comfortable around other people or dogs, then basic obedience training may not be the best fit for them.

The first step towards getting started on basic obedience training is taking time with your pup to get used to being handled by strangers (or anyone else). This can be done by taking them out into public places where people will be walking around – such as parks, pet stores etc.

Use the right equipment

Designate the right place to train

When selecting a location for your dog’s training, There are several things you ought to remember. Before all else, you want to pick an area that is free of distractions–this means no other animals or people, no loud noises and no movement (such as cars). You should also ensure the space has a flat surface so your pup can handle uneven terrain when learning to walk properly on his leash. Finally, choose a manageable area; if it’s too small, he won’t have room for mistakes; if it’s too big, he might become overwhelmed by all his options and get lost!

Start with low-impact tricks and commands

Your dog should be able to obey commands without resistance. If an order is too complex or confusing, your pup won’t be able to execute it properly, leading you both on a frustrating journey down the rabbit hole of confusion. You should start with the basics and work your way up.

Instead of trying out new tricks all at once (which will undoubtedly fail), start with simple commands that are easy for both of you–like “sit” or “down”–and then gradually add more difficult ones as time goes by. Another thing: ensure each word has its unique meaning, so there’s clarity when training time comes around!

Teaching Your Dog to Sit

You’ll want to teach your dog how to sit on command first. This fundamental behaviour will make all other training accessible and essential for any dog owner.

To teach your pup this trick:

Transform Your Pup into a Well-Behaved Dog

Teaching Your Dog to Stay

An essential part of your dog’s training is ensuring he stays where he is supposed to be. For this, you will need a leash and some treats. First, attach the leash to your dog’s collar or harness, so it doesn’t get tangled with anything else (like furniture). Then put on a clicker if you have one–it will help with training later in the process! Next, find an area with no distractions so your pup can focus on what you’re teaching him; make sure there aren’t any other pets or children around!

Once all those things are taken care of, start by having him sit down next to you while holding onto his leash with both hands (one at each end) so that he can’t run off anywhere else while working on staying still for short periods before moving onto bigger goals like walking calmly through crowds or waiting patiently outside someone’s apartment door while they finish getting ready inside their home.”

Teaching Your Dog to Lie Down

The fundamental command of teaching your dog to lie down is, but it’s crucial for maintaining control of the situation. The first step is getting them to lie down on their own. You can do this by holding a treat above their head and gently lowering it until they get into position. The second step is teaching them to stay in that position until you permit them to get up again. To do this, sit next to your dog with one hand on his collar (or under his chin) so that he can’t move away from you as quickly as he would if you were standing up or kneeling over him–but don’t push too hard! The goal here is just keeping him from jumping up while he learns how much effort goes into lying down comfortably and staying there until permitted by someone else; if he struggles too much against what feels like restraint, then it’ll only make things harder later when trying out new commands such as “down” or “stay.”

Teaching Your Dog to Come When Called

If you want to transform your dog, it’s time to start with obedience training. One of the most critical aspects of training a well-behaved dog is teaching the animal to listen to and obey its owners. Is your furry friend in need of some obedience training? Parliament Animal Hospital offers top-notch dog training services to help your pet become the well-behaved companion you always wanted. Our experienced trainers use positive reinforcement techniques to teach your dog the basic commands and behaviours for a happy and harmonious relationship. Don’t let your dog’s behaviour problems hold you back any longer – book your obedience training appointment now at https://parliamentanimalhospital.ca/ or by calling (647) 347-3300. Give your pet the gift of obedience training and enjoy a happier, more fulfilling relationship.


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